Defenders Media provides media solutions to an alliance of evangelistic ministries that defend the Christian worldview. We do this by elevating the quality of our member’s branding to match the excellence of the content being delivered. We honor God by advocating for biblically-centered beliefs and practices.

3D grunge room interior with spotlight and smoky atmosphere
May 25, 2021 by Kurt Jaros 0 Comments

Spring 2021 Update

Dear friends,

Exciting times lay before us! We have had a few changes here at Defenders Media, 501(c)(3) and I wanted to take a couple minutes to share about those changes.

Dr. Kurt Jaros Returns

In 2020, we hired Trevor J. Fox to captain the ship. He did a great job for us by bringing in new client work, overseeing a website overhaul, leading great strategy meetings, and raising funds for studio improvements. In February, Trevor took a job as Director of Communications at West Jackson Baptist Church in Jackson, TN, where he went to college. We want to thank Trevor for his service at Defenders and wish him and his beautiful family all the best!

In March of this year, I returned to the helm at Defenders. My time in St. Louis was a valuable learning experience, and within a few months I realized that season was to be a short one. I am delighted to return to the solid ground at Defenders Media and we have plans for our continued growth in impacting the world with quality, thought-provoking theological media. In recent weeks, the team has been having discussions on our core strategy as an organization: How can we most effectively reach people with a winsome defense of the Gospel? In years past, our strategy has been to seek apologists, theologians, and biblical scholars to help them craft high-quality media content. Now, we will begin to shift our priority to develop this content ourselves. To a certain extent, we had already been doing this with some of our platforms, but we are going to pivot our strategy in order to invest more of our resources and man-hours into developing those ministries. In a nutshell: The type of work we perform and the target audience remains the same.

Welcome, Beth Bakker!

To help us in accomplishing our goals, we have hired a part-time Executive Assistant & Content Coordinator, Beth Bakker! Beth has been a volunteer for our ministry for many years, and perhaps you’ve met her at our events in Chicagoland. She has lived in the western suburbs of Chicago with her husband Gary for 23 years. While raising her children, Beth developed a passion for Bible study, theology, and especially apologetics. This summer she will be completing a master’s degree in Biblical and Theological Studies from Western Seminary. She has been putting this and all of her education to good use working in high school ministry at her church and leading a home teen Bible study. Beth is also an organizational & administrative nut, which makes her well-suited for the job.

What’s Next

Right now, our team is working on a mixed-animation apologetics video series looking at some of the most important questions that young people are asking.

Left-to-right: Chris Yiesla, our multi-media specialist, and Mark Lester, the assistant editor work on, “What is a Worldview?”

We have also been installing and upgrading our office space and studio to accommodate the growth of our staff and expected needs moving forward. In our studio we have added ceiling-mounted lighting, sound-diffusion foam, a shoe-mount & external monitor for our video camera, and a large green screen. We could not have done this without the continued generous support of individuals like you! Thank you!! Please keep our ministry in prayer and reach more people with a winsome defense of the Gospel by donating today.

God bless you and stay tuned for great content from us this year.

Your friend and brother in Christ,
Dr. Kurt Jaros

November 9, 2016 by Kurt Jaros 0 Comments

Expanding: Regional Associate Position

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”regional-associate-job-description” width=”1000″ height=”1600″]

June 6, 2016 by Kurt Jaros 0 Comments

Support via AmazonSmile

Amazon SmileDid you know that if you select Defenders Media as your charity and start shopping at that we’ll receive a small portion (0.5%) of your purchase on behalf of So if you would like to help us even in the smallest, feel free to shop using

Step 1: Select Defenders Media as your charity: click here.
Step 2: Do your shopping on Amazon by starting at

May 13, 2016 by Kurt Jaros 0 Comments

Weekend Promotion: Good Faith by Kinnaman and Lyons

This weekend only, Friday through Sunday, become a patron of Veracity Hill and receive 1 free, autographed copy of the newly released Good Faith: Being A Christian When Society Thinks You’re Irrelevant and Extreme by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons, published by Baker Books. Kinnaman is President of the Barna Group, a leading research and communications company. He is also known for co-authoring a Christian culture shifting perspective book, unChristian which was followed by You Lost Me. Lyons is the founder of Q Ideas, a learning community that helps Christians to advance the common good in our society. Lyons is co-author to the aforementioned unChristian.

See the book trailer here:

Veracity Hill is a new podcast striving for truth on faith, politics, and society. This show presents insightful commentary on a variety of issues including theology, apologetics, politics, economics, and current issues in our culture. We hope it’ll be an authoritative voice for those looking for accessible, yet challenging content from a Christian worldview. With your small monthly support we can make Veracity Hill a success!

March 5, 2016 by Kurt Jaros 0 Comments

Defenders Media Welcomes the Library of Historical Apologetics

We are pleased to announce that the Library of Historical Apologetics is joining our alliance! Screen Shot 2015-12-19 at 9.56.42 PMThe Library of Historical Apologetics seeks to be the world’s best resource for lay apologists, pastors, students, and scholars seeking historical apologetics materials for self-study, church classes, sermon preparation, and research. Our digital collection contains references to approxiamately 3,000 items with a focus on works in English from the 17th through the early 20th centuries. This project is directed by Dr. Timothy McGrew. Tim is Professor of Philosophy at Western Michigan University.  He specializes in theory of knowledge, logic, probability theory, and the history and philosophy of science. You can like the Library of Historical Apologetics on Facebook or check out their website at


February 4, 2016 by Kurt Jaros 0 Comments

Defenders Media Welcomes Risen Jesus!

Screen Shot 2016-01-26 at 9.31.46 AMWe are pleased to announce that Risen Jesus, the ministry of Dr. Mike Licona, has joined the Defenders Media alliance!

Dr. Licona is Professor of New Testament at Houston Baptist University, is the author or co-author of 6 books, and is one of the world’s leading scholars on the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. He has spoken on more than 50 university campuses, was interviewed by Lee Strobel in The Case for Christ & The Case for the real Jesus, and has participated in a number of formal debates against biblical critics such as the renowned Bart Ehrman.51XGlh7xSpL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_

Michael_R._LiconaMike is a prolific scholar, having published an exhaustive and comprehensive argument for the historical resurrection of Jesus. He has faced intellectual and spiritual battles from non-Christians on the historical Jesus and even believers who have misguidedly questioned his devotion to the truth of the Bible. He is well respected in the academic and apologetic ministry communities. We here at Defenders Media very much look forward to
working with Mike on various projects and supporting Risen Jesus.

You can follow Mike on Facebook and Twitter. Risen Jesus sends out a monthly e-newsletter which you can subscribe to here.

December 21, 2015 by Kurt Jaros 0 Comments

Launch Report 2015

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December 7, 2015 by Kurt Jaros 0 Comments
